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Santala Devi

Village Jahariwala, Galajwari, Uttarakhand 248190

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About Us

Amazing beauty on the hill, the temple of Santala Mata is on the very top of the hill. The place is so much spacious than you can think it to be on a hill top. There is a temple and some food and refreshment corners as well. There is also much place to sit and watch the beauty of nature. The hill is so steep that makes too hard for aged ones. Also underdeveloped road and security wise.






Overview - Santala Devi

Santala Devi at Village Jahariwala, Galajwari, Uttarakhand 248190 is a Temples in Dehradun.

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5 ( 1 Reviews )

Shivani gupta

2 years ago

Santala Devi temple- located at Dehradun is best place to visit to explore the beauty of nature.

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