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Sr Software Engineer Jobs

Sohna - Gurgaon Road, Malibu Town, Sector 47 Pin Code 122018 / Gurgaon / Haryana
Posted Date: 16 August, 2024 | Ad id : 6473

Ad Description

The position of Senior Software Engineers is one of the most sought-after in the technology business. It represents not only a larger compensation, but also an acknowledgement of your abilities, expertise, and leadership potential. If you want to develop your career and become a Sr Software Engineer, this blog will explain what it takes to get there. Who is a Senior Software Engineer? A Senior Software Engineer is a highly experienced software developer. They are code experts, but their knowledge extends beyond that. Senior Software Engineers have in-depth knowledge of software architecture, design patterns, and best practices. They are frequently in charge of overseeing the full software development process, from original planning to final deployment and maintenance. What distinguishes them from junior and mid-level developers is their ability to understand the larger picture. They can anticipate future problems before they occur and have the skills to execute solutions that are not only effective but also long-lasting. A Senior Software Engineer also serve as mentors and team leaders, guiding less experienced developers and assisting them in their professional development.


  • MCA
  • BCA
  • B.TECH


  • Possess current and extensive proficiency in HTML, CSS, SQL and JavaScript.
  • Experience with technologies like JSF, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, and JSP.
  • Possess an understanding of object-oriented programming. Familiarity with Agile development methodologies.
  • Experience with cloud platforms is a plus.


Leadership, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Communication, Coding and programming, Debugging, Continuous learning

Other Details

Company Name: OPTnation

Salary: 25000 - 50000

Working Type: Temporary

Period: Hourly





Overview - Sr Software Engineer Jobs

OPTnation looking for Sr Software Engineer Jobs in Haryana, Gurgaon they are offering ₹25,000 to ₹50,000 , its 4 job, this job data on 16 August, 2024

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