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una / Mehatpur Basdehra / Himachal Pradesh
Posted Date: 01 January, 2021 | Ad ID : 337

Ad Description

Research has shown that maintaining a healthy immune system is essential to combating infections, including the COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus. This kadha help overcome the deadly respiratory illness even as we continue to stay at home due to the COVID pandemic. Kadha is a herbal concoction which strengthens the immune system. It is usually prepared using herbsin a very fresh form, including tulsi (basil), dalchini (cinnamon), kalimirch (black pepper), shunthi (dry ginger) and munakka (raisin) and many more. According to the Ayurveda, these herbs contain several immunity-boosting properties and other healing compounds. So, including this drink in your diet may help you stay healthy and reduce your risk of contracting certain infections. Perhaps, herbs and spices are wonderful because, unlike drugs, you can just add them to your favorite dishes for a kick of flavor and stronger immunity. Apart from giving your immunity the boost it needs to combat infections, it is claimed that the herbal drink can improve digestion and detox the body. The herbs and spices used in this drink can be especially beneficial during allergy season. Tags: corona, covid, immunity, herbal, ayush, kadha, sanitize, AROGYAM PURE HERBS IMMUNITY BOOSTER KADHAA

Condition: New


Himachal Pradesh


Mehatpur Basdehra

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